Children's Ministries:
5-Day Club®
What is a 5-Day Club®?
For five consecutive days, one and a half hours each day, children enjoy hearing Bible stories, sing songs, learn Bible verses, listen to a missionary story, and hear the Gospel clearly presented. They are engaged in learning through games and high octane activities.
5-Day Club gives elementary aged children a great place to spend one week of their summer.
5-Day Clubs are hosted by a Christian neighbor who gathers the children together at a location that is easily accessible. Daycare and community centers, backyards, parks, and schools are ideal locations for club.
Do you see a need to evangelize your community? Do you have a burden to reach spiritually lost boys and girls? Then why not you? Your willingness could be a child's blessing for life.

How can I help?
The CEF training team can equip you with the knowledge and materials to:
- Host a club - identify locations suitable for meeting and gather the children in your neighborhood
- Teach a club - many of our workers are high school and college age students who have been trained to lead 5-Day Club. Click here to meet the 2017 Summer Missionary team and read their comments about why they want to serve.
- Help a teacher - larger clubs could use more hands to build relationships with the children and families
- Pray for a club - whether in your neighborhood or another where you have a concern
- Donations are also accepted by CEF to help with the cost of the program since the children attend free of charge
What materials will I use?
5-Day Club kits available from CEF Press® provide all the necessary materials. Kits include:
- Bible lesson book
- Visualized verses
- Teaching cards
- Missionary story
- Helps in leading a child to Christ
- Visualized theme song and other song visuals
- Reproducible verse tokens
Where are clubs held?
How can my church participate?
Churches in the area are taking advantage of 5-Day Club to reach their community. "VBS On the Road" involves the whole church in reaching the families through outreach to the children. The church chooses a week and identifies three locations for the clubs. CEF trains the workers to run the program. New families are introduced to the church through a rally at the end of the week.
Learn more